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Autonomous Network

Autonomous Network

Self-provisioning, self-diagnosing, and self-healing systems, as well as basic automation, have been around for a long time. Thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud technology, such far-fetched ideas are becoming a reality. When we ask Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa for assistance with a task, we almost always use AI-enabled apps. Even Netflix, a streaming service, employs AI to assist customers in selecting movies and television shows.

AI and cloud elements are converging in the realm of terrestrial and submarine networks to enable the next level of networking.

Despite its importance, Tachyon says autonomous networking is inflexible and restrictive. For years, our clients have told us that they require a solid grip over their network and that automation is insufficient. As a result, Tachyon has begun to promote the Adaptive Network, a broader, more holistic idea that aims to build a network that can expand and adapt with a firm as its business demands and markets shift. The Adaptive Network is made up of three layers:

  • Programmable infrastructure

    The physical and virtual components of the network, as well as the data collected from them, are referred to as programmable infrastructure.

  • Intelligence and analytics

    The programmable infrastructure generates a lot of data, which requires intelligence and analytics. Big data is part of it, and it demonstrates how the network learns and responds to trends over time. Big data can tell the network how to react in the long run, what traffic patterns to look out for, and which network sections are at risk.

  • Software control and automation

    Effective automation of network functions, such as loading access controllers and provisioning routers, as defined by the network provider, can remove human error and maintain the network functioning at peak performance.

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